Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Yet another day.

Hi again peepz. I know its kind of boring to start every post like that, but well, just bear with it till i manage to find another way of doing it. XD.

Anyway, it's been rather stressful in school lately. But like MT said it, we've got to learn to embrace the stress and see it as a challenge, whatever that means. But well, not like i'm in any position to talk about stress.

You know i really wonder how amirul is able to update his blog everyday. I mean, how the hell does he manage to post everyday. It's only the second day and i'm running out of stuff to talk about. Anyway, who cares. XD.

Heck, i'm off to finish my history SBQ. So CYA!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hey people. Been counting the days till prelims. And guess what? WALAH! We only have a total of 48 days before the prelims start. Which converts into 1152 hours, 1/3 of which is used to sleep, eat and bathe, another 1/3 in school, which leaves us with 384 hours. That amount of time for 8 subjects, and for some even 9. Which leaves us with an approximate 48 hours for each subject. Ok i won't stress you people even more by calculating the amount of time left for each topic. XD.

Either way. We've been through so much, 4 years of education to be precise, and i seriously don't think anyone wants to waste these four years by screwing up their 'O' level. So people, if you're still thinking of studying one week or two before the prelims, think again.

Ok whatever, i'm not gonna start another pep talk here, since MY has been giving us that almost every lesson. Well, i've got a very bad feeling about the previous test. If only she would just tell me how i was doing, because i seriously don't know, and being kept in suspense doesn't help at all.

Good luck people. I'm off to catch some sleep for the night.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

23/30! Wootz!

"No! Get away from me!" I screamed at the top of my voice, retreating quickly as the burly figure confronted me, a dagger clutched in his hands.

I tripped over my own foot and fell backwards onto the concrete wall of the alley. The assaulter towered above me, the silver blade shining dimly from the reflection of the street lights. I tried my best to get a glance of his face, but all that could be seen was a blur image. Without warning, he plunged the icy cold blade into me, rendering me unconscious...

"No!" I sat up in my bed, for a moment wondering whether or not I was alive. Cold sweat trickled down my temples and cheeks. It didn't take long for me to realise it was just a nightmare, one which has haunted me over the past few weeks. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and reached for the clock. It was still early morning, I could still get some sleep, but the fear of having the same nightmare again made me change my decision.

Still shivering from the impact of the nightmare, I got out of bed listlessly and shuffled to the kitchen. I made myself a cup of hot coffee and settled down on the dining table. I started browsing through the newspaper from the day before and one of the articles caught my attention. It was about a serial killer who had broken out of jail and is currently back on his "hobby". Only three weeks had passed and already three citizens had been killed. I stared hard at the familiar face of the criminal, trying to figure out who he was. After several guesses, I gave up and tried to relax myself on the couch, before leaving for work.

It was 6.30 pm, and I was on my way home alone. Usually i would have taken the long route home, but that day, i decided to take a short cut, as i wanted to reach home in time for the season finale of my favourite show. I strolled into the alley, for a split-second wondering if I had been here before, as the scene was somehow familiar. An eerie silence engulfed the alley, as every step i took told me that something was wrong.

I hurried on, sensing that something was terribly wrong. Suddenly, I came to a halt as i finally realised what this place was. It was the alley in my dream! I took a good look at my surroundings, not wanting to believe that I was right. Horrors to horrors, it was true, the abandoned trolley, the rotten food, the garbage bags, they were all in the same position as they were in my dream. Fear coursed through my every vein as my heart seemed to stop beating.

Just then, I felt an icy object at my neck. My heart literally stopped.

"Do not move, or else...." a monotonous voice whispered into my ears. With the other hand, he pushed me towards the concrete wall, turning me around to face him, the blade still sticking on my neck. He punched me straight in my stomach, and I let out a loud moan and collapsed in pain.

The grey figure towered above me, as I focused my blurred vision on his face. It took me no more than a split-second to realise who he was: the serial killer. The features on his face were unmistakable. A scar that trailed down his left cheek, and a bulbous nose that seemed to be twice the size of an average person's. His eye were filled with insane ecstasy and his mouth turned into a sinister grin.

I tried to get a grip of myself and thought about what happened next in my dream. If this was identical with my dreams, then the next thing he would do is....

Again, without warning, he plunged the dagger towards me, but this time, I was more than prepared. The fear in me seemed to be overwhelmed by the desire to survive. I ducked to my left, and with both my limbs grabbed onto the assaulter's arm. With every ounce of energy left in me i pulled his arm down, bringing his head in contact with the concrete wall.

With a loud thud, he fell hard onto the ground beside me, unconscious. I took this chance to contact the police who arrived shortly after. The criminal was brought back to the station and I was escorted back home, safe and sound, all thanks to those dreams i had.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Racial Harmony!

First and foremost, wishing everyone a happy racial harmony day!

There's pretty much nothing I've got to post really. But still, in an attempt to revive the blog, i shall make use of my bullshit-ting plus blabbering skills to make a hell of a long post. XD.

Been watching animes like D.Gray Man, Bleach and Naruto. All three are nice. But the bleach fillers just S**K big time.

Either way. Watching these animes and reading books like Animorphs made me start to wonder whether or not I'd be able to do the same things, under the same circumstances. Like Spider man says, "With great power, comes great responsibilities."

I mean, if one day you wake up to find yourself walking on walls and turning into animals, how would you react? I would guess most of you would say, "Cool" or "No big deal", or something along that line.

But you see, it's not as easy as it seems. It's not just killing enemies and saving the earth. You live in fear everyday, not because you're afraid of dying to enemies, but because you're afraid of endangering people close to you, your family, friends. I mean, stuff like this sticks with you.

And when things get up close and personal, it'll be up to you to decide whether you save your loved ones or save the earth. To be honest, i wouldn't have been able to do it, i would have chose my loved ones, and the earth could go on and save itself. Many people would have did the same thing, Peter Parker did that too, at least for a while. If you ask me, i'd reckon NY would be able to do it, not me. I mean, it's not really something to be praised about, but well, you get my point.

But i guess it all boils down to the same old "beat the baddies and save the world" slogan. Right from marvel superheroes like J.L.A and Spider man, to anime characters like Kurosaki Ichigo, Naruto, and Allen Walker.

Heroes, huh?

*edited the post a little to prevent any offense*

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Short one here.

I wanted to post something, but i don't know what. XD. Anyway, i won't be posting any more personal stuff here. Which means NO MORE EMO. Aw, how sad can that be weekang.

Either way, i just figured there was something i wanted to say to this particular someone. I would think you know who you are after reading this post. I don't know what happened to you that made you so stressed, or even tense.

Remember that day, during MT period, you really scared me there. Not the feeling you get when some big guy threatens to beat you up, its those you get when you realise that something is terribly wrong.

Maybe something happened. Maybe not. But you know what, bottling things up doesn't help a teeny bit. And neither does it make you seem strong and cool you know. Who doesn't have troubles? I'm pretty sure everyone has them.

But guess what, violence doesn't help at all, needless to say solve. You're just avoiding it, but at the end of the day the problem still stands there. Strong and steady.

Why not let it out? I'm pretty damn sure you'll feel much better. Trust me. It need not be me, just let it out. Tell someone, or even post it on your blog. It doesn't matter, no one's gonna laugh at you. Everyone has times when they're tired, weak, helpless. It's how you deal with it man.

Rock on, macho-boy.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Hey guys. I'm back, and yea, i'm feeling much better than i was. I wonder whether it was the stopping of the teasing or amirul's hug. Either way, i'm felling better. Thanks guys.

Anyhow, i'm still reading my Animorphs books and i'm running of out them. Damn. I'm so desperate i'm thinking of borrowing them from the library. XD. Ok, maybe i will, tomorrow most probably. Teehee. Man i'm addicted already.

Yes i know, animorphs are like ancient. But who cares? It's nice and that's all i care about. I always thought i knew animals well until i started reading Animorphs. If you're not particularly interested in animals, the next few paragraphs are going to bore you to death. Be prepared. XD.

Frankly, i used to love animals a lot, and maybe still quite a little now. So here's what i learnt from reading animorphs. Maybe i'll put it in notes form. Ok maybe not.

An elephant's trunk is so subtle it can pick up an egg without cracking it or pick up an empty log and throw it a few thousands miles away.

A tiger's roar can make an adult pee in his pants. No joke. I'm not talking about those 'throat-clearing' sounds you hear in the zoo, i'm talking about those ROARs that can shatter glass. And obviously NOT what yi'en does.

Shoots, i can't remember anymore. But i guess the previous two paragraphs were enough to bore you to death. Teehee. I still love gorillas though.

Ok just to conclude i just published a whole shit load of crap about animals. XD. Think i'm going a bit psycho. See lar wee kang.

And to J: Heard you broke down recently. Haven't been talking to you much. Anyway, don't give yourself too much stress dude. Believe you can do it and you will be able to do it. Jia You!